Chrome Cover Fence

Fence with chrome covering is protec from corrode, but the age of this protection is deppend on the thicness of chrome cover .  The example of fence with chrome covering as on he picture below:

House Investation

For welthy people have a house is not just one, they need another house for infestation. For this purpose they should have exact information about the added value for certain house in a certain area and need to follow on about property information that currently become trend. They invest their money in many location and sometime they gambling to have big benefit and sometime they also big looser for their house infestation.
There are some alternative for their house infestation like house on hill, house on town or house in recreation place or house for rent. House in recreation place have two benefits, beside can use as house for rent, they can have a double benefit because of the price is increase very fast.

House in town should choose the right place in order have benefit as fast as possible. As my experience like in a big city, in Bandung, Jakarta or Surabaya, we can invest in this city with right choose. We can buy a house in the area near of tol getway, for example if we buy for 500 milliar rupias, sometime we can have profit 150% just in three years, after 3 years to rent house, the price have increased until more than one billion rupias. They buy this house sometime not for living house, but for infestation only, beside they can have a benefit after rent their house. For one year rent a house at near of the tol gateway they can offer rent price about 50 million rupias.


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