Chrome Cover Fence

Fence with chrome covering is protec from corrode, but the age of this protection is deppend on the thicness of chrome cover .  The example of fence with chrome covering as on he picture below:

House on Hill

House building on a hill can be formed by utilizing the form of the mountain itself that is over-pitched. The form of this building may be similar to the cave that utilized a cantilever stone wall as a building support. Building on the hill need to be able to choose the appropriate material so that it is not damaged because the land that contain various chemical elements in soil and animals.

The building form can be tailored to the location of the hill, and when the hill is a hill shaped of the rock, the rock can be a crutch as well as buildings. Building such this must truly follow the construction of soil around, and can not be built every condition of the hill and should be design the house with very careful. If the soil conditions of around hills prone to landslides and building such like this can endanger the house there. This kind of building may not suitable for living house.


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